How do I find out our membership category?
Full Member – Structural Timber Building System Supplier:
Category includes: fabricators, manufacturers, processors and structural building contractors.
Full Member – Building System Support:
Category includes: consultants, designers, engineers, erectors, installers, product supply chain, service supply chain, structural engineers and warranty providers.
Associate Member:
Category includes: architects, contractors, educational bodies, end user clients, government bodies, housebuilder/developers, housing associations, individual consultants, insurance bodies, finance and mortgages, legal advisors, local authorities, quantity surveyors, RSL’s and training providers.
Erector / Installer Member:
This option is for erectors and installers only who require limited access. This membership excludes member profile and listing. If you would prefer to receive all member benefits, please select the ‘Full Member’ option.
Designer / Structural Engineer Member:
This option is for designers and structural engineers who require limited access. This membership excludes member profile and listing. If you would prefer to receive all member benefits, please select the ‘Associate Member’ option.
What are the membership fees based on?
The Membership fee is based on the turnover declared by the company applying i.e. self-declaration.
How are the full member fees invoiced?
The STA run membership subscription from 01 January through to 31 December.
Should you join part way through the year your invoiced membership fee will be 12 months and then from 01 January the following year will be adjusted to the number of months equivalent remaining in that year.
If a member joins April 1st – 9 months – your following year invoice will only be 9 months equivalent
If a member joins July 1st – 6 months – your following year invoice will only be 6 months equivalent
If a member joins October 1st -3 months – your following year invoice will only be 3 months equivalent
NB: 1st January of the next full year of membership invoice reverts to a 12 month period in line with other members.
How are the associate fees invoiced?
You will be required to pay the coming years fees at the point of application. Fees are calculated on number of employees within your organisation (please refer to above table). Once you have completed your details on the application form, you will be directed to our secure Worldpay site where you can enter your payment information. Once complete, you will receive an invoice stating ‘paid’.
Can we have free associate membership?
Free of charge Associate membership applies to; Local Authorities, Housing Associations, Registered Social Landlords, Governmental Bodies, Educational Universities/Colleges and Students.
What are the payment terms and conditions?
The Annual subscription will be sent to members before the 1st January of each new year and must be paid by 31st January of that year. (via a Bacs transfer with details on the invoice).
For those requiring a phased payment method a 6-month Direct Debit request should be in place by 31st Jan requested to office@structuraltimber.co.uk.
Changes that will affect your membership status if the Annual subscription remains unpaid or not in a payment plan after 31st January.
The Association cannot run without the full financial cooperation of our members and subsequently members that haven’t settled by 31st March will be suspended from membership.
This will entail removal of all STA references to marketing collateral and company websites.
The payment of the equivalent 3 months membership Jan – March – a debt agency will be commissioned to act for the STA.
Where applicable appropriate Stake holders to be notified of your membership withdrawal (STBSS Members -STA Assure and SiteSafe Stakeholders includes HSE, NFCC, NHBC and other warranty providers).
How do I withdraw our membership?
A minimum of 3 months’ notice to cease membership must be sent in email to the Membership Committee office@structuraltimber.co.uk and this will be acknowledged back for your records enclosing a settlement invoice of outstanding amounts due. Payable upon receipt of the invoice – if not settled after one month this will be passed over to the STA debt collection service.
How do I re-join the STA?
In the same year as leaving – a full years fee will apply -taken from the previous Turnover band level declared
Any year thereafter – a full years fee plus 50% of the last known membership subscription
All re-entry members to be classified as “Provisional membership” status and expected to complete the STA Assure “new member” audit within six months of re applying for membership
Where can I find the ‘Rules of Membership’?
Members of the Structural Timber Association agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of membership, including the rate of subscription, as agreed in the General Meeting from time to time. Click here to view the Rules of Membership.
Who do I contact for help?
For assistance please call:
Jayne Taylor
T: 07889 702 559
E: office@structuraltimber.co.uk